Meet Phoebe Snetsinger, birder extraordinaire. She defies her cancer, overcomes gender stereotypes, and pushes all limits in a race to see 8000 of the 10 000 species of birds on Earth. Years ago, Phoebe became known for seeing more birds than anyone else in history, but ultimately for the price of her life. Phoebe's biography, "Life List" (by Olivia Gentile), is Phoebe's true story that is moving and inspirational, and it will be sure to get you planning your next exotic birding trip!
Phoebe's passion for birding took off when she first laid eyes upon the fiery throat of a Blackburnian Warbler. She was starstruck at this backyard beauty that had gone unnoticed by her for so many years. Phoebe's interest and knowledge of birds grew quickly, and she became hooked on birding. It gave her a chance to take a break from her four raucous children and seek transcendence by spending time in nature. Soon after, Phoebe joined a local birding club, a tight-knit community of like-minded companions. Right away, Phoebe knew she had finally found the place she truly belonged.
At age 49, however, Phoebe's life took a turn for the worst; she was diagnosed with cancer and learned that she has only several months to live. Determined to make the most of her remaining time, she travelled the globe finding spectacular birds and doing what she loved most. Birding was Phoebe's escape and a way to cope with her terminal illness. Against all odds, Phoebe survived many more years and birded on!
Blackburnian Warbler |
For the following nineteen years, Phoebe's drive for birding and listing consumed her. Her ambition and sense of achievement drove her to all seven continents in search of lifers. Birding brought her to the heights of spiritual ecstasy and freed her of all worries. In her biography, we get to experience her dramatic and life-threatening adventures from around the globe. Phoebe was held at gunpoint in South America, abducted by a gang in Papua New Guinea, and caught in the midst of a war between two Asian tribes, all on a quest to spot an elusive rarity or two! Phoebe escaped death at every corner, and she always stayed focused on her goal of observing even more birds.
As word of Phoebe's travels and staggering life list spread, she became a birding "celebrity". She began writing about her international trips and gave countless interviews for newspapers. Her story of battling cancer and seeing amazing birds inspirited many people. But she wasn't only a birder; she was a mentor, helping bird-watchers of all ranks identify birds, a role-model, and eventually a legend.
Throughout her life though, Phoebe had to deal with a lot of personal struggles. Her obsession for foreign birding rapidly escalated, and she was away on expeditions for a total of about eight months per year! Due to her long absences from home, her relationships suffered, and she became disconnected from her family. Because of her love for birding, she skipped her daughter's wedding to go on an expedition to China. As well, her lonely husband felt so neglected that he asked for a divorce more than once. Birding and listing were Phoebe's coping strategy, but it conflicted a lot with her family life.
Despite these struggles, Phoebe was a major inspiration to an entire generation of nature lovers, including her children (three of her four children are biologists). Moreover, Phoebe never gave up hope when her life was threatened by malignant melanoma, and she never quit birding when times were tough. Phoebe's vitality was remarkable and I admire her for her unwavering perseverance and determination. She birded until the very end, when she died in a vehicle accident in Madagascar, only minutes after adding Red-shouldered Vanga to her life list! Every birder should read about her legendary experiences, and I strongly recommend "Life List". Even reading about her hundreds of worldwide journeys exhausted me, but her story has motivated me to bird more! Phoebe also gave me many ideas about doing an exotic birding tour for the first time... Who knows; maybe I'll become the next Phoebe Snetsinger!
Phoebe Snetsinger. Total life list: 8300+ |
Works Cited:
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Gentile, Olivia Life List: A Woman's Quest for the World's Most Amazing Birds (Bloomsbury, 2009)