Last weekend, I finally had a chance to break free of all my homework and go birding. I travelled with a friend along the shore of Lake Ontario westward towards Hamilton, making several stops along the way. We chased a Brant, braked in the middle of the highway for a Red Knot, and dipped on an Eared Grebe. It was incredible fun, something which I have been experiencing very little of since school started in September. It was a great way to relax and do what I really love.
Above is my photo of a Brant, a rare goose, amongst a flock of our all-too familiar Canada Geese. |
Of all the birds I saw, the two highlights from my trip were definitely the pair of Eastern Screech-Owls I spotted. These birds are so small that they can fit onto the palm of your hand. Despite their size, they are sly hunters of the night, predating on rodents that are almost as big as they are!
My very first sighting of a red-morph Screech-Owl! |
Where am I? Can you spot me? |