Saturday, 8 June 2013

On the Quest for Biodiversity

Six-spotted Tiger Beetle at the Royal Botanical Gardens
One weekend this May, I went for a pleasant walk through the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton. The entire time, my gaze was directed to trees as the enchanting birds danced above.

When it finally came time for me to tie up my unlaced shoe, what did I see? Before my feet was a magnificent and glowing beetle (or rather two, if you look closely at the photo). I was fascinated by this creature, and I wanted to know more.

Soon enough, I obtained an insect field guide to begin identification. I determined this species is a Six-spotted Tiger Beetle.

Still, this is not enough. Identifying this beetle gave me such a feeling acquaintance and familiarity with the forest that I wanted to know more. Immediately, I felt so small in such a big world. Nearly 100 000 insect species occur in North America alone. The insect numbers are so dizzying that it's almost unimaginable to even picture such diversity.

After my little encounter, I found a new appreciation for bugs - even the spiders that I am so frightened of. Now, I am on the Quest for Biodiversity - meaning I am off to identify all the bugs, trees, wildflowers, mammals, and birds (or course) to reach a better understanding of the beautiful natural world that surrounds us. I hope all you readers all join me and begin your own quests!