On Saturday, May 18th, I set off to Point Pelee National Park for the 2013 Victoria Day Long Weekend. As many of you birders may know, Point Pelee is often referred to as the "Warbler Capital of North America", and the park certainly lives up to its name.
I observed a total of 96 species. It's not too bad of a count
considering it is already quite late in the season. Some highlights included White-throated Vireo, Eastern Screech-Owl, woodcock courtship flights, and 21 warbler species, including lots of Parulas. Empidonax species were abundant. Any birder that hasn't yet been to Pelee in May should go as soon as possible.
On Monday, I made a visit to Rondeau to catch some rarities such as the Prothonotary and Yellow-throated Warblers. Rondeau Provincial Park is about an hour east of Pelee, and it proves to have equally rewarding birding, if not better.
I was delighted to find this Prothonotary Warbler on the Harrison Trail. |
I was even more thrilled to find a second! |
Luckily, I caught this Yellow-throated Warbler at the end of my visit, just as I was leaving. |
I came home with a ton of photos, a couple Ontario lifers, and a smile. I can't wait to return next year...